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“This is My Will”: “Continue the Resistance, Fight any Foreign Aggressor against Libya,…”

Complete Text of Testament

by Muammar Gaddafi

Translated from Arabic by the BBC

“This is my will. I, Muammar bin Mohammad bin Abdussalam bi Humayd bin Abu Manyar bin Humayd bin Nayil al Fuhsi Gaddafi, do swear that there is no other God but Allah and that Mohammad is God’s Prophet, peace be upon him. I pledge that I will die as Muslim.

Should I be killed, I would like to be buried, according to Muslim rituals, in the clothes I was wearing at the time of my death and my body unwashed, in the cemetery of Sirte, next to my family and relatives.

I would like that my family, especially women and children, be treated well after my death. The Libyan people should protect its identity, achievements, history and the honorable image of its ancestors and heroes. The Libyan people should not relinquish the sacrifices of the free and best people.

I call on my supporters to continue the resistance, and fight any foreign aggressor against Libya, today, tomorrow and always.

Let the free people of the world know that we could have bargained over and sold out our cause in return for a personal secure and stable life. We received many offers to this effect but we chose to be at the vanguard of the confrontation as a badge of duty and honor.

Even if we do not win immediately, we will give a lesson to future generations that choosing to protect the nation is an honor and selling it out is the greatest betrayal that history will remember forever despite the attempts of the others to tell you otherwise.”



Israeli Intelligence Sources: NATO Killed Qaddafi

German Intelligence played a behind the scenes role on behalf of NATO


by Julie Lévesque

An article released by the Israeli intelligence news service DEBKAfile reveals NATO allies are competing “over who will take credit for his termination and therefore for ending the alliance’s military role in Libya”. (DEBKAfile, US and NATO allies vie over “kudos” for Qaddafi’s termination, October 24, 2011.)

According to DEBKA,

“American sources are willing to admit that US drones operated by pilots from Las Vegas pinpointed the fugitive ruler’s hideout in Sirte and kept the building under surveillance for two weeks, surrounded by US and British forces.

Both therefore had boots on the ground in breach of the UN mandate which limited NATO military intervention in Libya to air strikes.” (DEBKAfile, op.,cit.)

This contradicts NATO’s claims: “No NATO ground troops have participated in the operation – NATO’s success to date has been achieved solely with air and sea assets.” (NATO, NATO and Libya – Operation Unified Protector.)

DEBKA adds:


According to the London Daily Telegraph, his [Qaddafi’s] presence in the convoy was first picked up by the USAF River Joint RC-135V/W intelligence signals plane, which passed the information to French warplanes overhead who then carried out the strike on Qaddafi’s vehicle. (DEBKAfile, op.,cit.)

The Israeli website also points out that the Germany’s Secret Service the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) “played an important role in intelligence-gathering” in revealing where Qaddafi was hiding.

The report further states:

It was generally believed in Tripoli that the strongmen ruling the capital, Abdel Hakim Belhaj, ex-al Qaeda, and Ismail and Ali al-Sallabi, heads of the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood, only granted [Libya’s transitional leader] Abdul-Jalil’s wish for a big liberation rally in Benghazi after he agreed to declare the new Libya a Sharia state. (Ibid.)

This would mean that in reality, Libya’s new leaders are not the members of the National Transitional Council officially backed by NATO and promoted in the Western media as democrats. DEBKAfile‘s sources claim “the transitional leader will be little more than a figurehead”.

NATO’s stated objective in Libya has been “protecting civilians under threat of attack in Libya”. The Alliance declared that in early September “’Friends of Libya’ – heads of state and government as well as representatives of key international and regional organizations – met in Paris to discuss ways to aid Libya’s transition to a functioning democracy”. (NATO, op.,cit.)

However, Western “Friends of Libya” generally see Sharia law as incompatible with democracy.

DEBKA’s report concludes:

A primary objective of the Arab Spring as promoted by the United States and the Western Alliance is the substitution of those dictatorships by fundamental Muslim regimes whose leaders quite frankly usher Sharia law in to the liberated countries. (DEBKAfile, op.,cit.)

It should be noted that, in terms of public relations, Israel would profit from the presence of another Islamic regime, since Israel’s propaganda is largely based on the exisitence of  an alleged “hostile Muslim environment” in the Middle East.

3 NATO Ships Sunk, 15 Senior NATO Personnel Held Captive In Benghazi

Leonor conveys the degree of censorship we are under, how little we are actually being told, from NATO atrocities to NATO losses.

The 15 NATO personnel abducted are talked about at 8 min 35.



Source: Pakalert Press

World War III Defined: Wider War Unfolding in Middle East

It’s time to identify the unfolding Middle East crisis for what it is– a wider world war. Alex Jones analyzes the more than nine years of expanding middle east conflict since 9/11, with the U.S. now engaging in 5 simultaneous proxy wars including Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Pakistan and Yemen.



Tensions with Syria, Russia, China and other players may further fan the flames in the region, as top globalists, including Bilderberg attendees, have announced their intention to put ground troops in Libya and kick-off a “big war” encompassing much of Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia.

Despite opposition to the wars in U.S. Congress and throughout the NATO alliance, the Nobel Peace President will continue to try and save face as he escalates deadly conflict on behalf of his masters under a “humanitarian” pretext. The elites have craftily planted the seeds of chaos under the guise of the “Arab Spring” they helped fund and organize, which is now blossoming into an all-out war that could draw in major powers and proxy regimes alike.

Source : https://i0.wp.com/4.bp.blogspot.com/-4moQM08u_Lc/TeAqe-GdXPI/AAAAAAAAAO0/gK3eZDlA_cI/s1600/prisonplanet_header_bluered.jpg


Special Report : World War 3 Looming

The Infowars Insider The Infowars Insider

Infowars Insider: World War 3 Report

As noted in our previous newsletter and in detailed reports posted on Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com, the agenda during the meeting of the globalists at Bilderberg 2011 in Switzerland last week focused on a plan for expanded war in Libya and the Middle East. The purpose of this criminal expansion is three fold – to spread chaos throughout the region and install new regimes amenable to the elite and their banking system domination; to profit as banksters have for centuries on war and misery; and finally to further weaken the global economy by raising the price of oil, disrupting its delivery, and introducing the economic decline war brings.


On Wednesday, Infowars.com received additional confirmation that an escalation of the Libyan conflict is now in the works. In a report filed by Aaron Dykes, a source located at Fort Hood in Texas said Special Forces will head to Libya in July and the 1st Calvary Division (heavy armor) and III Corps will deploy in late October and early November.


“This information was confirmed by numerous calls and e-mails from other military personnel, some indicating large troop deployment as early as September,” Dykes reported. “Among these supporting sources is a British S.A.S. officer confirming that U.S. Army Rangers are already in Libya. The chatter differs in the details, but the overall convergence is clear- that a full-on war is emerging this fall as Gaddafi continues to evade attempts to remove him from power.”

On Tuesday, we reported that the CIA has expanded its drone war from Pakistan into Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula. Obama approved the secret plan without consulting Congress last year. It has been under development for several months and is set to be rolled out in July. In May, the State Department ordered all “non-essential” U.S. diplomats and family members to leave Yemen immediately. It also issued a warning to Americans to abstain from traveling to Yemen.


On Thursday, the Israeli intelligence propaganda site, DEBKAfile, reported that U.S. warships are being moved to the Mediterranean coast of Syria, precisely in line with forecasts that the Bilderberg Group intended to launch a massive new war in the Middle East, writes Prison Planet journalist and editor Paul Joseph Watson.

The Israeli IDF claims Hezbollah in Lebanon now has approximately 50,000 missiles, including long-range missiles it received from Iran. “Hezbollah cruise missiles could threaten US ships with anti-ship missiles with a range of 65 miles,” Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said late last month. The Israeli website Ynet News cites Israeli security officials who say Hezbollah currently has no less than 550 bunkers, 300 surveillance sites and 100 other facilities.


https://i0.wp.com/muslimvillage.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/war-israel.jpgSince Israel’s invasion in 2006, both Hezbollah and Israel have prepared for war

Since Israel’s invasion in 2006, both Hezbollah and Israel have prepared for war. On Sunday, the Jewish state will conduct a nationwide drill intended to prepare its 7.5 million citizens, the security establishment, and civil emergency services for the possibility of war, according to People’s Daily Online. Israel, Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran have all prepared for war over the last year and Israel has conducted a number of civil defense exercises, including exercises for chemical warfare attacks.

The global elite are working behind the scenes to make a large and catastrophic war a reality between now and the end of the year. A nuclear dimension to any conflict cannot be underestimated – Israel and Pakistan have sizable nuclear arsenals (Pakistan is engaged in a fifty plus year game of brinkmanship with nuclear rival India). Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, the Arab Emirates, and Jordan have sophisticated military arsenals.

Order out of Chaos – and profit through war and mass murder – is the mantra of the global elite. In addition to representing a military hardware bonanza for the bankers and their transnational aerospace corporations, a big war in the Middle East, South Asia, and now Africa will also reduce the surface population to a considerable degree, as did the last World War. This aspect also works in favor of the globalist agenda with its eugenics obsession and contempt for human life.

Source : https://i0.wp.com/www.worldministries.org/graphics/Newspapers/infowars_logo.jpg

Towards a World War III Scenario [New E-Book]

New E-Book from Global Research Publishers

by Michel Chossudovsky


The following is a preview from the preface of a newly released E-book by Global Research Publishers

“Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” by Michel Chossudovsky

E-Book Series No. 1.0
Global Research Publishers
Montreal, 2011
ISBN 978-0-9737147-3-9

Order your pdf of this important new book from Global Research here
Introductory offer: $5.00 (plus $1.50 processing fee. Sent directly to your email!)


The World is at a critical crossroads. The Fukushima disaster in Japan has brought to the forefront the dangers of Worldwide nuclear radiation.

Coinciding with the onset of the nuclear crisis in Japan, a new regional war theater has opened up in North Africa, under the disguise of a UN sponsored “humanitarian operation” with the mandate to “protect civilian lives”.

These two seemingly unrelated events are of crucial importance in understanding both the nuclear issue as well as the ongoing USNATO sponsored war, which has now extended its grip into Libya. The crisis in Japan has been described as “a nuclear war without a war”. Its potential repercussions, which are yet to be fully assessed, are far more serious than the Chernobyl disaster, as acknowledged by several scientists.

The crisis in Japan has also brought into the open the unspoken relationship between nuclear energy and nuclear war. Nuclear energy is not a civilian economic activity. It is an appendage of the nuclear weapons industry which is controlled by the so-called defense contractors. The powerful corporate interests behind nuclear energy and nuclear weapons overlap. In Japan at the height of the disaster,

“the nuclear industry and government agencies [were] scrambling to prevent the discovery of atomic-bomb research facilities hidden inside Japan’s civilian nuclear power plants”.[1]

The media consensus is that the crisis at Fukushima’s five nuclear power plants has been contained. The realties are otherwise. The Japanese government has been obliged to acknowledge that “the severity rating of its nuclear crisis … matches that of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster“. Moreover, the dumping of highly radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean constitutes a potential trigger to a process of global radioactive contamination. Radioactive elements have not only been detected in the food chain in Japan, radioactive rain water has been recorded in California:

“Hazardous radioactive elements being released in the sea and air around Fukushima accumulate at each step of various food chains (for example, into algae, crustaceans, small fish, bigger fish, then humans; or soil, grass, cow’s meat and milk, then humans). Entering the body, these elements – called internal emitters – migrate to specific organs such as the thyroid, liver, bone, and brain, continuously irradiating small volumes of cells with high doses of alpha, beta and/or gamma radiation, and over many years often induce cancer”.[2]

A New War Theater in North Africa

The War on Libya was launched within days of the Fukushima disaster. As we go to press, a dangerous process of military escalation is ongoing. NATO warplanes are hitting civilian targets in Libya including residential areas and government buildings in violation of international law.

The war on Libya is an integral part of the broader military agenda in the Middle East and Central Asia which until recently consisted of three distinct areas of conflict : Afghanistan and Pakistan (the AfPak War), Iraq, Palestine. A fourth war theater has opened up in North Africa, which raises the issue of escalation over a vast geographical area. These four war theaters are interrelated. They are part of a broader region of conflict, which extends from North Africa and the Middle East, engulfing a large part of the Mediterranean basin, to China’s Western frontier with Afghanistan, and Northern Pakistan.

How does the war on Libya relate to this broader US-NATO military agenda?

Is a World War III scenario unfolding?

Is the use of nuclear weapons contemplated in North Africa?

With regard to nuclear doctrine, the concept of a US sponsored pre-emptive nuclear attack applies to a number of countries or “rogue states” including Libya. An all out war against the Qadhafi regime has been on the drawing board of the Pentagon for more than 20 years, Moreover, Libya was the first country to be tagged for a preemptive attack using tactical nuclear weapons.[3] The Clinton administration’s plan to nuke Libya had been announced in no uncertain terms in a 1996 Department of Defense press briefing:

“[The] Air Force would use the B61-11 [nuclear weapon] against Libya’s alleged underground chemical weapons plant at Tarhunah if the President decided that the plant had to be destroyed. ‘We could not take [Tarhunah] out of commission using strictly conventional weapons,’ Smith told the Associated Press. The B61-11 ‘would be the nuclear weapon of choice,’ he [Assistant Secretary of Defense Harold P. Smith] told Jane Defence Weekly.[4]


B61-11 Nuclear Bomb

Clinton’s Defense Secretary William Perry had confirmed in a statement to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that “the U.S. retained the option of using nuclear weapons against countries [e.g. Libya] armed with chemical and biological weapons.”[5] The Department of Defense’s objective was to fast track the “testing” of the B61-11 nuclear bomb on an actual country and that country was Libya: “Even before the B61 came on line, Libya was identified as a potential target”.[6]

While the 1996 plan to bomb Libya using tactical nuclear weapons was subsequently shelved, Libya was not removed from the “black list”: “The Qadhafi regime” remains to this date a target country for a pre-emptive (“defensive”) nuclear attack. As revealed by William Arkin in early 2002,

The Bush administration, in a secret policy review… [had] ordered the Pentagon to draft contingency plans for the use of nuclear weapons against at least seven countries, naming not only Russia and the “axis of evil” Iraq, Iran, and North Korea but also China, Libya and Syria.[7]

Operation Odyssey Dawn. Nuclear Weapons against Libya? How Real is the Threat?

Has the project to nuke Libya been definitively shelved or is Libya still being contemplated as a potential target for a nuclear attack? (This preface serves as an update on the potential dangers of a nuclear war against a defenseless non-nuclear State). The air campaign directed against Libya commenced on March 19, 2011. America deployed its Bat-shaped B-2 Spirit Stealth bombers operating out of the Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri. Described as “deadly and effective”, the B-2 was used as an instrument of “humanitarian warfare”.


B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber

Barely two weeks after the commencement of the war, the Pentagon announced the testing of the B61-11 nuclear bomb using the same B-2 Stealth bombers which had been deployed to Libya at the very outset of Operation Odyssey Dawn. The B-2 Spirit Stealth bomber is the US Air Force’s chosen “carrier” for the delivery of the B61-11 nuclear bomb. These timely tests pertained to the installed equipment, functionality and weapon’s components of the B61-11 nuclear bomb. The tests were conducted by the B-2 bombers operating out of the same Air Force base, from which the B-2 bombing raid on Libya were conducted.[8]


Is the timing of these tests in any way related to the chronology of the Libya bombing campaign?

The U.S. Air Force Global Strike Command was in charge of both the JTA tests of the B61-11 as well as the deployment of three B-2 Spirit Stealth bombers to Libya on March 19 under operation Odyssey Dawn. Both the deployment of the B-2s to the Libya war theater as well as the tests of the equipment of the B61-11 (using the B-2 bomber for delivery) were coordinated out of Whiteman Air Force base.

America’s Long War: The Global Military Agenda

The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity. The first two chapters of this E-book focus on the “Cult of Death and Destruction” underlying this global military agenda. US-NATO weapons of mass destruction are portrayed as instruments of peace. Mini-nukes are said to be “harmless to the surrounding civilian population”. Pre-emptive nuclear war is portrayed as a “humanitarian undertaking”. Nuclear war has become a multibillion dollar undertaking, which fills the pockets of US defense contractors. What is at stake is the outright “privatization of nuclear war”.

1280x1024 Nuclear War

US nuclear doctrine is intimately related to “America’s War on Terrorism” and the alleged threat of Al Qaeda, which in a bitter irony is considered as an upcoming nuclear power. Under the Obama administration, Islamic terrorists are said to be preparing to attack US cities. Proliferation is tacitly equated with “nuclear terrorism”. Obama’s nuclear doctrine puts particular emphasis on “nuclear terrorism” and on the alleged plans by Al Qaeda to develop and use nuclear weapons.


Chapter III focusses on America’s Holy Crusade and the Battle for Oil. The “Global War on Terrorism” requires going after the terrorists, using advanced weapons systems. US foreign policy upholds a pre-emptive religious-like crusade against evil, which serves to obscure the real objectives of military action. In the inner consciousness of Americans, the attacks of September 11, 2001 justify acts of war and conquest against evil-doers. The Global War on Terrorism is presented as a “clash of civilizations”, a war between competing values and religions, when in reality it is an outright war of conquest, guided by strategic and economic objectives. The lies behind 9/11 are known and documented. The American people’s acceptance of this crusade against evil is not based on any rational understanding or analysis of the facts. “The American inquisition” purports to extend Washington’s sphere of influence. Military intervention is justified as part of an international campaign against “Islamic terrorists”. Its ultimate intention, which is never mentioned in press reports, is territorial conquest and control over strategic resources. Ironically, under the Global War on Terrorism, these plans of conquest are instrumented by covertly supporting Islamic paramilitary armies, which are then used to destabilize non-compliant governments and impose Western standards of “governance” and “democracy”.

World War III Scenario


The contours of a World War III scenario are discussed in Chapter IV. The Pentagon’s global military design is one of world conquest. The military deployment of US-NATO forces is occurring in several regions of the World simultaneously. Militarization at the global level is instrumented through the US military’s Unified Command structure: the entire planet is divided up into geographic Combatant Commands under the control of the Pentagon. According to (former) NATO Commander General Wesley Clark, the Pentagon’s military road-map consists of a sequence of war theaters:

“[The] five-year campaign plan [includes]… a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.”

Chapter V focusses on war preparations pertaining to Iran, including the launching of a pre-emptive nuclear attack on the Islamic Republic. While Iran remains on the Pentagon’s drawing board, a fundamental shift in the sequencing of military operations has occurred. The US-NATO-Israel alliance realizes that Iran has significant capabilities to respond and retaliate. With the onset of the US-NATO led war in North Africa, Washington and its allies have chosen to wage war on countries with lesser military capabilities. This factor in itself has been crucial in the decision by the US and its allies to put “the Iran operation” on hold, while launching a “humanitarian war” on Libya.

How to Reverse the Tide of War

Chapter VI focusses on antiwar actions directed against this diabolical military agenda. Central to an understanding of war, is the media campaign which grants it legitimacy in the eyes of public opinion. A good versus evil dichotomy prevails. The perpetrators of war are presented as the victims. Public opinion is misled:

“We must fight against evil in all its forms as a means to preserving the Western way of life.”

Breaking the “big lie” which upholds war as a humanitarian undertaking, means breaking a criminal project of global destruction, in which the quest for profit is the overriding force. This profit-driven military agenda destroys human values and transforms people into unconscious zombies.

The holding of mass demonstrations and antiwar protests is not enough. What is required is the development of a broad and well organized grassroots antiwar network, across the land, nationally and internationally, which challenges the structures of power and authority. People must mobilize not only against the military agenda, the authority of the state and its officials must also be challenged. This war can be prevented if people forcefully confront their governments, pressure their elected representatives, organize at the local level in towns, villages and municipalities, spread the word, inform their fellow citizens as to the implications of a nuclear war, initiate debate and discussion within the armed forces.

The object of this E-Book is to forcefully reverse the tide of war, challenge the war criminals in high office and the powerful corporate lobby groups which support them.

Break the American Inquisition.

Undermine the US-NATO-Israel military crusade.

Close down the weapons factories and the military bases.

Members of the armed forces should disobey orders and refuse to participate in a criminal war.

Bring home the troops.


1. See Yoichi Shimatsu, Secret Weapons Program Inside Fukushima Nuclear Plant? Global Research, April 12, 2011
2. Helen Caldicott, Fukushima: Nuclear Apologists Play Shoot the Messenger on Radiation, The Age, April 26, 2011
3. See Michel Chossudovsky, America’s Planned Nuclear Attack on Libya, Global Research, March 25, 2011.
4. Federation of American Scientists, The Nuclear Information Project: the B61-11
5. Ibid, See also Greg Mello, The Birth Of a New Bomb; Shades of Dr. Strangelove! Will We Learn to Love the B61-11? The Washington Post, June 1, 1997
6. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists – September/ October 1997, p. 27. For further details see Michel Chossudovsky, America’s Planned Nuclear Attack on Libya, Global Research, March 25, 2001
7. See William Arkin, “Thinking the Unthinkable”, Los Angeles Times, March 9, 2002.
8. In late March or early April (prior to April 4), the B-2 Spirit Stealth bomber from the 509th Bomber Wing operating out of Whiteman Air Force Base, was used in the so-called “Joint Test Assembly” (JTA) of the B61 Mod 11 nuclear bomb.
The announcement of these tests was made public on April 4; the precise date of the tests was not revealed, but one can reasonably assume that it was in the days prior to the April 4 press release by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA. Press Release, NNSA Conducts Successful B61-11 JTA Flight Test, April 4, 2011. For further details see Michel Chossudovsky, Dangerous Crossroads: Is America Considering the Use of Nuclear Weapons against Libya? Global Research, April 7, 2011

Montreal, May 2011

Order your pdf of this important new book from Global Research here
Introductory offer: $5.00
(plus $1.50 processing fee. Sent directly to your email!)

Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (Emeritus) at the University of Ottawa. He is the Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal and Editor of the globalresearch.ca website. He is the author of The Globalization of Poverty and The New World Order (2003) and America’s “War on Terrorism” (2005). He is also a contributor to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. His writings have been published in more than twenty languages.

This E-Book is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alice C. Tang, who devoted her life to global peace, the pursuance of truth, military disarmament and the prevention of nuclear war. Alice Tang’s proposal was titled “Two Percent, No First Strike.” The pledge would be that no nation shall spend more than 2 percent of its GDP on military purposes, and no nation would be a “first strike” aggressor with nuclear weapons.


Research for this E-book was conducted over a period of almost ten years. Our sincere thanks to Global Research members and our readers, whose support has enabled us to develop our publishing and educational outreach activities.

I am much indebted to Maja Romano of the Center for Research on Globalization (CRG) for her support in the editing process as well for the creative design of the front page graphics. I extend my thanks and appreciation to Réjean Mc Kinnon, for the careful typesetting, layout and production of the E-Book and to Drew McKevitt for her assistance in the copyediting of the manuscript.

Global Research Articles by Michel Chossudovsky

Source : https://i0.wp.com/en.m4.cn/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/www.globalresearch.ca_.jpg

10 Reasons Why President Obama Has Failed As An Effective Leader

According to a Quinnipiac University poll of registered voters released Wednesday, President Barack Obama’s approval ratings have reached a new low at 42%. His disapproval rating was 48%. Half of those surveyed for the poll do not think that the president deserves a second term in office.

On the “O’Reilly Factor” last night, Bill O’Reilly posited that Obama’s declining poll numbers reveal Americans’ doubts about his leadership skills and where he is leading our country. Here are just a few examples of Obama’s leadership failures:

  • Obama spent the first two years of his presidency on his signature issue – Obamacare – and pushed through a government-centric solution that the majority of Americans don’t want.
  • Obama has led the country much further into debt, to the tune of $5 trillion of added deficits since he took office.
  • Obama’s budget proposal for the 2012 fiscal year was an abdication of leadership. It raised spending and taxes, with no clear path towards real deficit reduction. It avoided entirely the issue of entitlements. Obama did not endorse any of the major elements of his own deficit commission’s deficit-reduction plan.
  • Obama failed to crisis manage the Gulf oil spill by not proactively directing coordination of the timely use of maximum federal resources to help stem the spill and clean up the huge ensuing mess. In fact, his administration got in the way of those states such as Louisiana that were trying to  take care of the problem themselves.
  • Obama has subjected national foreign policy decisions to the ‘global test’ of United Nations approval. He promised to address America’s “priorities” in the UN and warned that not following “the United Nation’s demands” (sic) would make “all people less safe.”
  • Obama took months to respond to the military’s request for additional troops in the Afghan war and then, when he finally announced his decision to add 30,000 troops in December of 2009, he simultaneously talked about a withdrawal timetable.
  • Obama failed to speak out forcefully in support of the dissidents in Iran who were being killed, beaten and tortured by the thugs ruling the Islamic Republic of Iran.
  • Obama dithered for weeks before following France and the Arab League into the United Nations-approved military intervention in Libya. Now that we are involved, Obama is unable or unwilling to clearly define the mission and criteria for success that will allow the United States to cease its active military involvement.

Beyond these specific examples, President Obama has failed to convince many Americans that he truly believes the United States is an exceptional country with a noble purpose. He tried in his Libya speech Monday night to invoke his understanding of American exceptionalism as the justification for his belated decision to use military force against Qaddafi. However, he has made apologies abroad for America on several occasions. For example, in France of all places, he said:

there have been times America’s shown arrogance

Most Americans want a president who leads by making firm decisions with moral clarity and common sense and who puts his country first. Barack Obama has failed this leadership test.

Joseph Klein is the author of a recent book entitled Lethal Engagement: Barack Hussein Obama, the United Nations and Radical Islam

Secrets of Gaddafi regime revealed, rebels count on NATO

Libyan rebels are pleading for more help from NATO to overthrow Colonel Gaddafi. Locals in Benghazi say that since government troops were forced from the city, there have been shocking revelations about the extreme methods of the current regime.

One such revelation is that a secret police facility was located in Benghazi and that Gaddafi himself even stayed there during his visits to the Libyan city.

Ordinary people were able to enter the facility for the first time only after the government forces retreated from Benghazi. And when they did, they heard cries for help. First the source of the sounds could not be figured out, but then they found holes in the ground and saw sticks coming out of them.

They realized the sounds were coming from the openings, which turned out to be ventilation holes for a huge secret underground prison which nobody ever knew about.

When the revolts in neighboring Egypt and Tunisia earlier this year spread to Libya, open protest against Gaddafi was met with a brutal response, with demonstrators gunned down. The rebel stronghold of Benghazi came under sustained attack by government forces that had been driven out. The city was almost re-taken before NATO planes began air strikes against Gaddafi, under a UN no-fly zone resolution.

“Gaddafi said he loved Benghazi. Well this is how he loves us. If NATO planes would have gotten involved just a few hours later, they could have killed everyone,” says Sallah, a Benghazi resident. “His whole army was here.”

With NATO bombing Gaddafi’s forces from the air, the rebels quickly advanced west, even reaching the Colonel’s hometown Sirte – around halfway between Benghazi and the capital, Tripoli. However, with a shortage of arms and poor organization the rebels are once again being pushed back east by Gaddafi’s superior fire power and better-trained forces.

“If the US air cover were withdrawn, Gaddafi would reassert control over the country. If, however, that rebel army manages to get into the western areas [of Libya] they will carry out a tribal vendetta,” says investigative journalist Webster Tarpley.

Many of the rebels are teenagers armed only with AK-47 rifles, but what they lack in military training they make up for in spirit. While news of the rebel retreat was greeted with alarm, they are still hopeful of more western support. But in Benghazi there is no compromise on their demand for Gaddafi to go. They say they will fight to the end.

Justice for our fallen heroes and heroines

Barrister M. A. Muid Khan


“…Nirmomota koto dur hola Jati Hoba Nirlojjo? Ame chitkar kora kadita chahiya, korita parinee chitkar. Buker betha buka chapaiya, nija ka diyache dhikkar (English translation: How long the cruelity is required to be continue to make the Nation ashamed off? Despite trying to cry out loudly, I could not cry. Suppressing the chest pain within the chest, gave shame to myself.)”
(Haider Hussain’s masterpiece on BDR)

Last week, when I listened to the above song and watched the video footages of the decomposed dead bodies of our brave fallen soldiers being carried by the fellow officers, while tears rolled down from their eyes, I lost words to express my outrage, anger and disgust. Unknown to me, tears started rolling down from my eyes asking for, “Where is justice? Why are we still not able to give exemplary punishment to the mutineers and their associates?” “Why are we not able to bring the real culprits before justice by giving Death Penalty as their punishment? Was it the dream for which our brave martyrs had sacrificed their lives in the National liberation war-1971? By failing to punish the offenders and their associates with exemplary punishment, haven’t we betrayed with our brave freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives with a pledge to create a democratic society, “… free from exploitation- a society in which the rule of law, fundamental human rights and freedom, equality and justice, political, economic and social, will be secured for all citizens… (Preamble: The Constitution of Bangladesh)”? Haven’t we failed to provide justice to the fallen commanders and their family members by failing to punish the mutineers with exemplary punishment i.e. death penalty.

How could the whole nation forget the contributions made by these brave fallen commanders of the country who maintained the law and order of the country together with the sovereignty of the country from the greedy and dirty hands of a group of our politicians who put the whole nation’s life at risk after 1/11?
On the eve of second anniversary of the brutal killings committed by the mutineers at Pilkhana, I express my deepest shock and heartfelt condolences for the brave fallen heroes and heroines, their families, relatives and friends. I also join the nation in mourning for our brave fallen heroes and heroines and praying for the salvation of their souls and hoping that Almighty God will grant them eternal peace.

I also express my solidarity with the families of the bereaved and promise to stand by them as their children and families struggle to move forward in life.
As my heart is still bleeding looking at the video frottage, I decided to write this article to create a massive wave in the heart and minds of the whole nation to stand together again irrespective of their political believe and religious faith in the spirit of independence war with a view to bring the mutineers/murderers and their associates before justice.

I can still remember the black afternoon of 27th February 2009, when from my North London Office (Carr-Gomm) during the lunch break, I watched in the BBC News, the horrific and shocking pictures and video footages of the mutilated army officers dead bodies being pulled out one by one from mass graves excavated within the BDR headquarters. Between 25th and 26th February 2009, the mutineers killed 70 officers. BBC (London) reported that the killers dug several mass graves and dumped several officers’ dead bodies.

From one mass grave, 38 bodies were recovered who was buried during the 33-hour mutiny at the BDR headquarter. The hole, which is around 12 feet in length, 10 feet wide and 15 feet deep, is located on the eastern side of the BDR hospital. The rescuers found the bodies dumped haphazardly in the hole. The mutineers buried the army officers deputed to BDR, including BDR Director General Major General Shakil Ahmed, in the mass grave after the gruesome killing, apparently to hide their brutality. Among the deceased officials, BDR DG Maj Gen Shakil received seven bullets in different parts of his body, including his arms, chest and head.

One of his eyes was also gouged out. Could we even imagine the brutality they killers had shown to the BDR Director General before, during and after his death? The media also reported that it was hard to identify many of the bodies as mutinous fired innumerable shots on the bodies and also charged bayonets upon the dead bodies.

Medias further reported that undressed bodies were dumped first inside the hole as these bodies were found at bottom of the hole while the uniformed bodies were found above. Many officers took shelter inside manholes and drains but they could not save themselves.
Some rescuers suspected that the killers undressed many of the officials during dumping. At one stage, they dumped the bodies in uniform as they buried the bodies in a hurry.

When I compared this cold blooded murders committed by these mutineers with the night of March 25, 1971, when the BDR (then EPR) became the first martyrs of Bangladesh’s Liberation War by in fighting against the Pakistani soldiers at Pilkhana, I became speechless. These cold blooded murderers have defaced the contribution of BDR in the great Liberation War, who (then EPR).


Among the deceased officials, BDR DG Maj Gen Shakil received seven bullets in different parts of his body, including his arms, chest and head. One of his eyes was also gouged out.

I can still hear the heart-crying stories of Soniya, Noorjahan, Pritam and other family members who lost their beloved one in those brutal killings, whilst watched them on the news media. At the time of those brutal killings, Ms Soniya’s Husband was expecting a baby by mid-March after waiting for a child for seven years. Her husband, Major Mominul Islam was brutally killed by the mutineers on 25th February 2009. She never knew, even in her wildest guess, that the baby would be born an orphan, growing up only with the pictures and stories of his/her father. We don’t know what has happened to her? We also don’t know what has happened to her new born baby? I am expressing my condolence to her. I am also expressing my anger for the injustice shown to her by the nation for not punishing the mutineers with exemplary punishment.

The Nation has forgotten to Noorjahan, who was seen on the TV waiting at the BDR Gate-4 hoping for any information of her brother Mominul, killed inside by the mutineers. We don’t know whether she was able to find out her brother’s dead body.

We have also forgotten to Pritam, the elder son of Major Abdul Salam Khan, who with his mother and brother was held hostages in a guard quarters since the mutiny broke and were released on Thursday around 3:30pm. We also don’t know about the other members of the family of fallen hero Major Abdul Salam Khan.


Major Mominul Islam was expecting a baby by mid-March after waiting for a child for seven years but he was brutally killed by the mutineers on 25th February 2009.

We do not know about the present condition of the family members of the BDR Director General (DG) Shakil Ahmed, who was also found in front of the BDR Gate-4 with the deceased DG’s mother and three sisters.

We also don’t know what has happened to the other family members of the fallen brave soldiers who lost their beloved one in that brutal killing.

We also dont know what has happened to the newly born baby Major Mominul Islam brutally killed by the mutineers? Surprisingly, no TV talk show speaker is speaking anything in support of the victims’ families. None of the family members of the brave fallen commanders are invited to any of the talk shows. The cry for justice requires taking the views of the victims, and, in this case, their family members.

Regarding the punishment for these mutineers, I always suggested that they should be penalised with Capital Punishment i.e. Death penalty. Being a defender of human rights and fundamental, I never supported Capital punishment and stood against it. I never supported the view, “An eye for an eye!” But, after listening to the incidents of brutal killing of innocent unarmed army officers, and looking at their mutilated body pulled out from the mass graves, I revised my opinion and now consider that, society should not have to pay for someone so dangerous that they can never return to live around normal people. I strongly support that these mutineers should be punished with death penalty. Although the executing the killer does nothing to bring the person back, however, the threat of execution is enough to make criminals think twice about committing a capital crime. I also suggested that these killers and their associates could be easily tried with the Death Penalty in accordance with existing Army Act.

I found it extremely surprising when a section of the top lawyers of the country cried loudly for the human rights of the mutineers when they were called by the Supreme Court of Bangladesh to give their opinion on whether BDR mutineers should be tried under civil or military law after the President sought the Supreme Court’s opinion on the matter.

Punishing the mutineers with death penalty is more than enough to make the would be mutineers think twice about committing the similar offence in future. The only ones to object seem to be politicians on party lines, politically correct idiots, and the noisy minority of bleeding hearts, so-called civil libertarians, BDR mutineers and their friends and family members!

In my previous articles published in various national and international newspapers, I expressed my opinion for the speedy but fair trial of the mutineers under the existing Army Act. I have explained the limitations of the Bangladesh Rifles Order, 1972, which only provided only seven years of imprisonment as punishment for the mutineers.

I also suggested that the trial should start immediately under the provisions of the Army Act without any waste of time, to ensure justice to the family members of the fallen commanders.

(To be continued)


Middle East: Revolutions and Propaganda

Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer
Activist Post

Once again, it is necessary to review a timeline to definitively establish the premeditated, Western-backed nature of the current “revolutionary” conflagration consuming the Middle East and Northern Africa.


2000: US-funded and trained Otpor in Serbia overthrows Slobodan Milosevic.
2002: Otpor starts hosting Georgian and Ukranian protesters for preparation of “Rose Revolution” and “Orange Revolution.”
2003: Otpor travels to Zimbabwe to train protesters. Srdja Popovic decides to found CANVAS
2008: Egyptian April 6 Movement leaders attend US State Department summit in NYC.
2009: April 6 Movement attends training in Serbia under CANVAS. CANVAS also trains Tunisian protesters.
2010: February, April 6 Movement meets US International Crisis Group trustee Mohamed ElBaradei at Cario’s airport. With Google exec Wael Ghonim, they begin conducting ElBaradei’s presidential campaign and organizing protests on behalf of ElBaradei’s “National Front for Change” for the next year.
2011: January-February April 6, Mohamed ElBaradei, the National Front for Change, assist in the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak.
2011: February, George Soros funded NGOs begin submitting draft constitutions for Egypt’s new government.


1980s: US-CIA backed National Front for the Salvation of Libya (NFSL) made multiple attempts to assassinate Qaddafi and initiate armed rebellion throughout Libya.
2005: NFSL’s Ibrahim Sahad founds the National Conference of Libyan Opposition (NCLO) in London England.
2011: Early February, the London based NCLO calls for a Libyan “Day of Rage,” beginning the “February 17th revolution.”
2011: Late February NFSL/NCLO’s Ibrahim Sahad is leading opposition rhetoric, literally in front of the White House in Washington D.C. Calls for no-fly zone in reaction to unsubstantiated accusations Qaddafi is strafing “unarmed protesters” with warplanes.
2011: Late February Senators Lieberman and McCain and UK PM David Cameron call for providing air cover for Libyan rebels as well as providing them additional arms.
2011: Early March; it is revealed UK SAS special forces are already operating inside Libya.

In retrospect, the orchestrated Western-backed nature of the Tunisian, Egyptian, and Libyan unrest is clear. However, as the events played out, especially in the early stages, the corporate-owned mainstream media committed itself to breathtaking propagandizing. In Egypt, crowds of 50,000 were translated into “crowds of 2 million” through boldfaced lies, tight camera angles and disingenuous propagandists like BBC’s Jon Leyne. In Libya, the initial armed nature of the rebellion was omitted and the unrest was portrayed as “peaceful unarmed protests.”

Perhaps most diabolical of all is the manner in which the mainstream media portrayed Egypt’s opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei. Indeed, ElBaradei was at the very center of the protests, having returned to Egypt a year earlier in February 2010 to assemble his “National Front for Change” with the help of Egypt’s “youth movements” led by the US State Department trained April 6 Movement and Google’s Wael Ghonim. But we were all told he “just flew in,” and that he was viewed with “suspicion” by the West. We were also told that Hosni Mubarak was still our “chosen man” and reports even went as far as claiming (unsubstantiated claims) that Mubarak was preparing to flee to Tel Aviv, Israel of all places, and that Israel was airlifting in weapons to bolster his faltering regime.

Obviously those “attempts” to save Mubarak’s regime failed, if they ever even took place. And on the eve of Mubarak’s fall, the US eventually turned a full 180 degrees around from defending him, to demanding he step down. As George Soros and the Neo-Con packed National Endowment for Democracy fund the drafting of the new Egyptian constitution and the US prepares funding to back Egypt’s opposition ahead of elections, it is quite clear that US-Israeli “support” in this case was designed to tarnish Mubarak and play on anti-Israeli/American hatred the globalists have been cultivating for decades.

With amazing “foresight,” the Council on Foreign Relations’ magazine Foreign Affairs reported in March 2010 the following:

“Further, Egypt’s close relationship with the United States has become a critical and negative factor in Egyptian politics. The opposition has used these ties to delegitimize the regime, while the government has engaged in its own displays of anti-Americanism to insulate itself from such charges. If ElBaradei actually has a reasonable chance of fostering political reform in Egypt, then U.S. policymakers would best serve his cause by not acting strongly. Somewhat paradoxically, ElBaradei’s chilly relationship with the United States as IAEA chief only advances U.S. interests now. ”

Fully realizing US or Israeli support for ElBaradei would destroy any chance for the “revolution’s” success, it appears that the cartoonish act of overtly, even oafishly supporting Mubarak in the early stages of the unrest was a deliberate attempt to shift the ire of the Egyptian people toward him, and their suspicions away from globalist stooge ElBaradei.

We now see a similar campaign unfolding in Libya against Qaddafi, with rumors once again circulating that Israel is trying to save the embattled regime by hiring mercenaries, and even claims being made that Qaddafi is Jewish. Mirroring the cartoonish propaganda aimed at galvanizing Mubarak’s opposition, we should be careful while interpreting these ambiguous and perfectly timed “revelations” regarding Libya’s Qaddafi.

Libya’s opposition has been backed by the West for over two decades with their NFSL/NCLO leadership currently divided between Washington, London, and the globalist-hideout of Dubai. It is hard to believe that Israel, a creation and tool of the London and Wall Street banking oligarchs, would somehow be working to save Qaddafi while Joe Lieberman and John McCain work to arm rebels, provide them air support, and recognize them as the legitimate government of Libya.

It is often said, the first causality of war is the truth. There certainly is a war raging in Libya and one of the many weapons being deployed is deception, as it has been even as Sun Tzu first wrote “all war is based on deception,” over 2,500 years ago.

Tony Cartalucci’s articles have appeared on many alternative media websites, including his own at Land Destroyer.