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Let`s Eliminate Indian Terrorists in Bangladesh

By: Abu Zafar Mahmood, USA

Hasina-Monmohan cry wolf jointly. As they could not eliminate the Mosques and transform the Islamic nation in Deen-e-Elahee, Could not impose Hindi instead of Bangla in Bangladesh. Indian interests are to keep Muslim countries unstable as it needs Bangladesh-Pakistan-Afghanistan under their knees for grabbing wealth. Moreover the rapid growth of Bangladesh in terms of modernization and wealth influences over the North-East border Indian districts. It also bring the Delhi`s discrimination to that huge region too. So, Indian strategy of collapsing Bangladesh becomes their one of prime Military agenda. That matches Indian expansionist design. But the USA-European flows of winds turn for Bangladesh. A slogan, “Let`s eliminate Indian Terrorists in Bangladesh” shines on posters.


The Bangladesh administration is controlled by Indian Intelligence-RAW. It already collapsed BDR, weakened Armed-forces. Highest to lowest courts run under the same control. Prime Minister office is treated as RAW regional co-coordinating office. Ministry of Home-Foreign Affairs are directly dictated by the Indian officers. Indian trained Four Lac Eighty six thousand Nine Hundred Sixty (4, 86,960) Fanatic Hindu terrorists are the key fighters that are engaged in Government positions to collapse the sovereignty and Independence at the time sabotage in USA interests. These terrorists are all Indian trained. They instigate the instability of Bangladesh from inside the government. A surprising technique!

India has a long history of using terrorists and sending the hordes across borders. It captured Hyderabad, Junagarh and Manvadar illegally through police actions. It forced many smaller states to join the Indian Union by force of arms. It sent its forces to illegally capture Srinagar, using a fake article of accession which it now claims is lost–as if it ever existed. It sent militants to Tibet and Aksai Chin instigating a ferocious attack from China. It sent terrorists into Sikkim, and Bhutan and eventually illegally occupied Sikkim. It sent LTTE terrorists into Lanka trying to bifurcate the small peaceful Buddhist Island. It even tried terrorism in Myanmar and Maldives. It motivated the Hindu youths in Refugee camps, armed and engaged the Mukti Bahinee guerrilla groups across the border into East Pakistan in 1971. It than tried to incorporate Bangladesh using the Rakshi Bahinee after Awami League climbed on the government.

Now, Whatever Hasina, Rehana, Sajeeb Joy, Dipu Moni, Sahara and Ashraf are painting as friendlier relation with India is in real annexation procedure with India that the Fakhruddin-Moinuddin-Iftekharinitiated. Obviously, India needs terrorist regiments as Pakistani Army and ISI are rock to them  to defeat whereas Bangladesh is so rootless to them that it purchases the pillars as it needs. Indian officers train and control the civil and military officers in Bangladesh.

An article in one of Canada’s national magazines, Macleans, reported on an interview with a Pakistani ISI spy Farouk, who claimed that

India’s intelligence services, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), have “tens of thousands of RAW agents in Pakistan.”

Many officials inside Pakistan were convinced that,

“India’s endgame is nothing less than the breakup of Pakistan. And the RAW is no novice in that area. In the 1960s, it was actively involved in supporting separatists in Bangladesh, at the time East Pakistan. The eventual victory of Bangladeshi nationalism in 1971 was in large part credited to the support the RAW gave the secessionists.”http://www2.macleans.ca/2009/04/23/new-delhi%E2%80%99s-endgame/

In September of 2008, the editor of Indian Defence Review wrote an article explaining that a stable Pakistan is not in India’s interests:

“With Pakistan on the brink of collapse due to massive internal as well as international contradictions, it is matter of time before it ceases to exist.” He explained that Pakistan’s collapse would bring “multiple benefits” to India, including preventing China from gaining a major port in the Indian Ocean, which is in the mutual interest of the United States. The author explained that this would be a “severe jolt” to China’s expansionist aims, and further, “India’s access to Central Asian energy routes will open up.”http://www.indiandefencereview.com/2008/09/stable-pakistan-not-in-indias-interest.html

In August of 2009, Foreign Policy Journal published a report of an exclusive interview they held with former Pakistani ISI chief Lieutenant General Hamid Gul, who was Director General of the powerful intelligence services (ISI) between 1987 and 1989, at a time in which it was working closely with the CIA to fund and arm the Mujahedeen. Once a close ally of the US, he is now considered extremely controversial and the US even recommended the UN to put him on the international terrorist list. Gul explained that he felt that the American people have not been told the truth about 9/11, and that the 9/11 Commission was a “cover up,” pointing out that, “They [the American government] haven’t even proved the case that 9/11 was done by Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda.” He said that the real reasons for the war on Afghanistan were that:

“The U.S. wanted to “reach out to the Central Asian oilfields” and “open the door there”, which “was a requirement of corporate America, because the Taliban had not complied with their desire to allow an oil and gas pipeline to pass through Afghanistan. UNOCAL is a case in point. They wanted to keep the Chinese out. They wanted to give a wider security shield to the state of Israel, and they wanted to include this region into that shield. And that’s why they were talking at that time very hotly about ‘greater Middle East’. They were redrawing the map.” http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2009/08/12/ex-isi-chief-says-purpose-of-new-afghan-intelligence-agency-rama-is-%E2%80%98to-destabilize-pakistan%E2%80%99/

He also stated that part of the reason for going into Afghanistan was “to go for Pakistan’s nuclear capability,” as the U.S. “signed this strategic deal with India, and this was brokered by Israel. So there is a nexus now between Washington, Tel Aviv, and New Delhi.” When he was asked about the Pakistani Taliban, which the Pakistani government was being pressured to fight, and where the financing for that group came from; Gul stated:

“Yeah, of course they are getting it from across the Durand line, from Afghanistan. And the Mossad is sitting there, RAW is sitting there — the Indian intelligence agency — they have the umbrella of the U.S. And now they have created another organization which is called RAMA. It may be news to you that very soon this intelligence agency — of course, they have decided to keep it covert — but it is Research and Analysis Milli Afghanistan. That’s the name. The Indians have helped create this organization, and its job is mainly to destabilize Pakistan.”

He explained that the Chief of Staff of the Afghan Army had told him that he had gone to India to offer the Indians five bases in Afghanistan, three of which are along the Pakistani border. Gul was asked a question as to why, if the West was supporting the TTP (Pakistani Taliban), would a CIA drone have killed the leader of the TTP. Gul explained that while Pakistan was fighting directly against the TTP leader, Baitullah Mehsud, the Pakistani government would provide the Americans where Mehsud was, “three times the Pakistan intelligence tipped off America, but they did not attack him.” So why all of a sudden did they attack?

Because there were some secret talks going on between Baitullah Mehsud and the Pakistani military establishment. They wanted to reach a peace agreement, and if you recall there is a long history of our tribal areas, whenever a tribal militant has reached a peace agreement with the government of Pakistan, Americans have without any hesitation struck that target.

… there was some kind of a deal which was about to be arrived at — they may have already cut a deal. I don’t know. I don’t have enough information on that. But this is my hunch, that Baitullah was killed because now he was trying to reach an agreement with the Pakistan army. And that’s why there were no suicide attacks inside Pakistan for the past six or seven months.

Further, there were Indian consulates set up in Kandahar, the area of Afghanistan where Canadian troops are located, and which is strategically located next to the Pakistani province of Baluchistan, which is home to a virulent separatist movement, of which Pakistan claims is being supported by India. Macleans reported on the conclusions by Michel Chossudovsky, economics professor at University of Ottawa, that,

“the region’s massive gas and oil reserves are of strategic interest to the U.S. and India. A gas pipeline slated to be built from Iran to India, two countries that already enjoy close ties, would run through Baluchistan. The Baluch separatist movement, which is also active in Iran, offers an ideal proxy for both the U.S. and India to ensure their interests are met.”

Even an Afghan government adviser told the media that India was using Afghan territory to destabilize Pakistan. http://www.app.com.pk/en_/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=72423&Itemid=2

In September of 2009, the Pakistan Daily reported that captured members and leaders of the Pakistani Taliban have admitted to being trained and armed by India through RAW or RAMA in Afghanistan in order to fight the Pakistani Army. http://www.daily.pk/proof-captured-ttp-terrorists-admit-to-being-indian-raw-agents-11015/

The Council on Foreign Relations published a backgrounder report on RAW, India’s intelligence agency, founded in 1968

“primarily to counter China’s influence, [however] over time it has shifted its focus to India’s other traditional rival, Pakistan.” For over three decades both Indian and Pakistani intelligence agencies have been involved in covert operations against one another. One of RAW’s main successes was its covert operations in East Pakistan, now known as Bangladesh, which “aimed at fomenting independence sentiment” and ultimately led to the separation of Bangladesh by directly funding, arming and training the Pakistani separatists. Further, as the Council on Foreign Relations noted, “From the early days, RAW had a secret liaison relationship with the Mossad, Israel’s external intelligence agency.”http://www.cfr.org/publication/17707/


Bangladesh is in the endgame of destabilization. The Indian trained militants are already positioned to damage and eliminate the patriotic elements and collapse the sovereignty and independence of Bangladesh. The next scene is waiting to appear as it faces challenges. Indian terrorization and collapsing Bangladesh is far different than Pakistan-Afghan battle field in more cases.

Of course, the Obama administration has opened a new strategy on Bangladesh and it`s near that the real Bangladeshi nationalists are sourcing supports recently. Ex-Prime Minister Khaleda Zia`s significant visit in Washington DC, NewJersy and New York as the leader of the opposition in Bangladesh National parliament in last week will bring face to face the Indian terrorists and Bangladeshi nationalists in Dhaka. The professionals and Journalists are desperate under the leadership of renowned Journalist Mahmudur Rahman called for up rise to topple down the government. The World super power prefers to see the down fall of the Hasina government soon that`s the observers assumption. India is taken in partnership on Afghanistan and Pakistan sector with NATO and on the other hand the Bangladesh and up to China will be controlled by USA direct. That will come up.

(Writer is free-lancer Journalist and political analyst.E-mail:rivercrossinternational@yahoo.com & azmnyc@gmail.com Date: Washington DC, June 04, 2011.)



U.S. Invented Soviet Threat

Kurt Nimmo


According to former CIA agents and historians participating in a forum held at the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston, in the early 1960s the U.S. government invented the so-called “Missile Gap” and wildly over-estimated the number of ICBMs the Soviet Union had.


A Russian SS-27 Topol-M mobile ICBM

How many ICBMs did the Soviets actually have? Four, according to declassified documents.

The Eisenhower administration used aerial reconnaissance and imaging satellites like the Corona Satellite to discover that the Soviets did not have the advanced technology to threaten the U.S.

As a growing number of historians have realized for years, the so-called Cold War was largely an illusion – known as “policy by press release” – invented by the military industrial complex, the same folks who are selling us new wars and conjured-up threats from the likes of al-Qaeda and now the so-called Haqqani network.

“The study of the Missile Gap period is especially relevant because it relates to today’s situation in Iraq, North Korea, and Iran, said historian and author Fred Kaplan and Timothy Naftali, director of the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum and a former Harvard student,” writes Laya Anasu for The Crimson.

The invented Missile Gap – an extension of the supposed Bomber Gap – is part of a larger reality that we never hear about and is not revealed in most history books: the entire Soviet threat was invented by Wall Street and the international bankers.

In Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development 1945 to 1965 written by the late Antony Sutton, we discover that if not for a massive transfer of technology and money to the Bolsheviks in the 1920s and later, Russia would have remained an isolated and backwards rural society. Sutton drew his conclusions after reviewing State Department documents.


Antony Sutton: The Best Enemies Money Can Buy.


“Soviet exports in the late sixties were still those of a backward, underdeveloped country. They consisted chiefly of raw materials and semi-manufactured goods,” Sutton writes in the conclusion of his trilogy. “When manufactured goods were exported they were simple machine tools and vehicles based on Western designs, and they were exported to underdeveloped areas,” he writes.

And yet we were expected to believe at the time that the Soviet Union had developed and manufactured a burgeoning arsenal of sophisticated nuclear weapons.

“In the Bolshevik Revolution we see many of the same old faces that were responsible for creating the Federal Reserve System, initiating the graduated income tax, setting up the tax-free foundations and pushing us into WWI,” writes Gary Allen.

It was “a tiny oligarchical clique at the top” that created the Soviet Union, not because the elite are communists, but because communism is “a method to consolidate and control the wealth” and ultimately build ”an all-powerful world, socialist super-state,” a state we are now beginning to see as the bankers take down the global economy.

We need to keep this in mind as the elite, through their academics and corporate media, try to sell us new threats, for instance the Haqqani terror network recently pushed by the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, Mike Mullen, as he lectured the Senate Armed Services Committee last week.



The corporate media reports that Haqqani is a veritable arm of Pakistan’s ISI, but what they don’t tell you is that the ISI is a creation of British intelligence – shepherded by Major General Walter Joseph Cawthorn, working for MI-6 – and the terror organizations now supposedly threatening the United States (and subsequently replacing the facile threat of the Soviet Union) were created through a collaboration between the ISI and the CIA, beginning in the early 1980s, a fact admitted by none other than the New York Times.

The elite invent scary threats and push them off on us, knowing that we will usually take the bait, as the mass hysteria – and curtailment of our liberties – demonstrated after we were sold the fairy tale that a gaggle of Muslim cave dwellers made NORAD stand down and waved a magic wand that suspended the laws of physics of September 11, 2011.



Pakistan and “The Haqqani Network” : The Latest Orchestrated Threat to America and The End of History

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts | Global Research,

Have you ever before heard of the Haqqanis? I didn’t think so. Like Al Qaeda, about which no one had ever heard prior to 9/11, the “Haqqani Network” has popped up in time of need to justify America’s next war–Pakistan.

President Obama’s claim that he had Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden exterminated deflated the threat from that long-serving bogyman. A terror organization that left its leader, unarmed and undefended, a sitting duck for assassination no longer seemed formidable. Time for a new, more threatening, bogyman, the pursuit of which will keep the “war on terror” going.

Now America’s “worst enemy” is the Haqqanis. Moreover, unlike Al Qaeda, which was never tied to a country, the Haqqani Network, according to Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, is a “veritable arm” of the Pakistani government’s intelligence service, ISI. Washington claims that the ISI ordered its Haqqani Network to attack the US Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, on September 13 along with the US military base in Wadak province.


Washington claims that the ISI ordered its Haqqani Network to attack the US Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan.


Senator Lindsey Graham, a member of the Armed Services committee and one of the main Republican warmongers, declared that “all options are on the table” and gave the Pentagon his assurance that in Congress there was broad bipartisan support for a US military attack on Pakistan.

As Washington has been killing large numbers of Pakistani civilians with drones and has forced the Pakistani army to hunt for Al Qaeda throughout most of Pakistan, producing tens of thousands or more of dislocated Pakistanis in the process, Sen. Graham must have something larger in mind.

The Pakistani government thinks so, too. The Pakistani prime minister,Yousuf Raza Gilani, called his foreign minister home from talks in Washington and ordered an emergency meeting of the government to assess the prospect of an American invasion.

 Meanwhile, Washington is rounding up additional reasons to add to the new threat from the Haqqanis to justify making war on Pakistan: Pakistan has nuclear weapons and is unstable and the nukes could fall into the wrong hands; the US can’t win in Afghanistan until it has eliminated sanctuaries in Pakistan; blah-blah.

Washington has been trying to bully Pakistan into launching a military operation against its own people in North Waziristan. Pakistan has good reasons for resisting this demand. Washington’s use of the new “Haqqani threat” as an invasion excuse could be Washington’s way of overcoming Pakistan’s resistance to attacking its North Waziristan province, or it could be, as some Pakistani political leaders say, and the Pakistani government fears, a “drama” created by Washington to justify a military assault on yet another Muslim country.

Over the years of its servitude as an American puppet, the Pakistan government has brought this on itself. Pakistanis let the US purchase the Pakistan government, train and equip its military, and establish CIA interface with Pakistani intelligence. A government so dependent on Washington could say little when Washington began violating its sovereignty, sending in drones and special forces teams to kill alleged Al Qaeda, but usually women, children, and farmers. Unable to subdue after a decade a small number of Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, Washington has placed the blame for its military failure on Pakistan, just as Washington blamed the long drawn-out war on the Iraqi people on Iran’s alleged support for the Iraqi resistance to American occupation.

Some knowledgeable analysts’ about whom you will never hear in the “mainstream media,” say that the US military/security complex and their neoconservative whores are orchestrating World War III before Russia and China can get prepared. As a result of the communist oppression, a signifiant percentage of the Russian population is in the American orbit. These Russians trust Washington more than they trust Putin. The Chinese are too occupied dealing with the perils of rapid economic growth to prepare for war and are far behind the threat.

War, however, is the lifeblood of the profits of the military/security complex, and war is the chosen method of the neoconservatives for achieving their goal of American hegemony.

Pakistan borders China and former constituent parts of the Soviet Union in which the US now has military bases on Russia’s borders. US war upon and occupation of Pakistan is likely to awaken the somnolent Russians and Chinese. As both possess nuclear ICBMs, the outcome of the military/security complex’s greed for profits and the neoconservatives’ greed for empire could be the extinction of life on earth.

The patriots and super-patriots who fall in with the agendas of the military-security complex and the flag-waving neoconservatives are furthering the “end-times” outcome so fervently desired by the rapture evangelicals, who will waft up to heaven while the rest of us die on earth.

This is not President Reagan’s hoped for outcome from ending the cold war.

Source: Pakalert Press

Liverpool Striker Claims 9/11 Was Work of Illuminati, Not Terrorists

Liverpool is investigating one if its players for writing controversial statements on Twitter about 9/11 Sunday. In a tweet that was deleted Tuesday, 20-year-old striker Nathan Eccleston wrote,

“I aint going to say attack don’t let the media make u believe that was terrorist that did it. #O.T.I.S.”

O.T.I.S. stands for “Only The Illuminati Succeed,” which is an allusion to the Illuminati secret society. Conspiracy theorists believe the Illuminati are behind many of the large events that control the world. If the tweets sound familiar, it’s because they should.

Pittsburgh Steelers running back Rashard Mendenhall was criticized for doubting if planes were responsible for bringing down the twin towers on 9/11. He later tried to issue a “clarification” and ended up being dropped by an endorser.

Eccleston has not apologized or attempted a clarification the way Mendenhall did. Instead, the defiant youngster followed up his initial tweet by telling his followers,

“If you don’t like what I have to say un follow me !!” He then backed off somewhat by saying “Some things get took way out of context…”

Eccleston is saying bin Laden was a member of the Illuminati.

A Liverpool Football Club spokesman says,

“The club takes this matter extremely seriously and senior club officials have informed Nathan Eccleston that we are undertaking an investigation into the circumstances surrounding these postings and will decide on an appropriate course of action.”

It’s interesting to see the way athletes handled 9/11. There were guys like Lance Briggs who wore tribute gear, a few players even had 9/11 tribute haircuts, and even foreign athletes like Novak Djokovic showed their support for America. And then you have Nathan Eccleston questioning who’s responsible for the horrific act. He shouldn’t be surprised if he ends up punished by the club.



9/11: A Conspiracy Theory [Video]


You Know About 9/11, Do You Know About 9/16?

9/16 – The Day of 1982, Israeli militia killed 3500 muslims within 36 hours.


Sabra was the name of a poor neighbourhood in the southern outskirts of west Beirut & Shatila a refuge camp set up for the palestinians in 1949. Over the year the 2 areas became ever more mingled and by the autumn of 1982 their population had been swelled by muslims fleeing the illegal occupation of south lebanon by the israeli army.

On september the 15th of 1982 the israeli militia completely surrounded and sealed off the camps from the outside world they set up observation posts on the roofs of nearby tall building to watch the events of the 16th, 17th and the 18th. In the evening of september 16th, 1982 with permission enguided by israeli flares group of large militia armed with guns, knives and hatchets entered Sabra and Shatila.


Those screams of the mate licked anguish and those dark colonial knights on the beirut suburb have only amplified of every passing year. There martyres will continue to haunt us to learn what is it that they will teach me. Never to trust which is precious to those who cannot and will not value it.



‘Indeed the Imam (Khalifah) is a shield, from behind whom one would fight, and by whom one would protect oneself.’ (Muslim narrated from Al-Araj on the authority of Abu Hurairah).”


সত্যিই কী ঘটেছিল ২০০১ সালের এ দিনে?


এর আগে এমন দৃশ্য দেখেনি বিশ্ব। দেখেনি খোদ মার্কিন জনগণও। আজ থেকে১০ বছর আগে, ঠিক এই দিনে, বেশ কয়েকটি সন্ত্রাসী হামলায় কেঁপে উঠেছিল বিশ্ব মোড়ল যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের ভীত। বিমানের তীব্র ঠুকুনিতে তাসের ঘরের মতো লুটিয়ে পড়েছিল মাথা উঁচু করে থাকা টুইন টাওয়ার। আক্রান্ত হয়েছিল মার্কিন প্রতিরক্ষা দপ্তর পেন্টাগনও। আর এ ঘটনাতেই বদলে যায় বিশ্ব রাজনীতি। বিশ্বব্যাপী শুরু হয় সন্ত্রাসবিরোধী যুদ্ধ। সে যুদ্ধ আজও চলছে।
আজ ৯/১১, বিশ্ব রাজনীতিকে বদলে দেওয়া সেই ৯/১১। কী ঘটেছিল ২০০১ সালের এ দিন? সত্যিই কি আল-কায়েদা সে দিন মার্কিন শৌর্যে আঘাত হেনেছিল! নাকি সবই ছিল পাতানো, বিশ্বকে করায়ত্ত করার মার্কিন কূটকৌশলের অংশ! এ নিয়ে পক্ষে-বিপক্ষে অনেক যুক্তি আছে।
যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের বক্তব্য, ওসামা বিন লাদেনের নেতৃত্বাধীন আন্তর্জাতিক জঙ্গি সংগঠন আল-কায়েদাই এ হামলা চালিয়েছে। আল-কায়েদাও অবশ্য এ হামলারদায় স্বীকার করে বিবৃতি দিয়েছে। তবে সন্দেহবাদীরা যুক্তরাষ্ট্র কিংবা আল-কায়েদা কারওবক্তব্যেই আস্থা রাখতে নারাজ। তাদের যুক্তি, অত্যাধুনিক সমরাস্ত্র, দুর্ভেদ্য প্রতিরক্ষাব্যূহ, সুতীক্ষ গোয়েন্দা নজরদারিকে ব্যর্থ করে দিয়ে আল-কায়েদার পক্ষে মার্কিন মুলুকে এত বড় হামলা চালানো অসম্ভব। সন্দেহবাদীরা ৯/১১-কে দেখেন বাঁকা চোখে। খুঁজে পান কুটিল ষড়যন্ত্রের গন্ধ। ৯/১১-এর ঘটনা নিয়ে এখনোঅনেকের মনে রয়েছে নানা প্রশ্ন। ঘটনার ১০ বছর পরও সে প্রশ্নের উত্তর অমীমাংসিত। এসব প্রশ্নের মধ্যে পাঁচটি সবচেয়ে আলোচিত।
২০০১ সালের এই দিনে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের চারটি বিমানছিনতাই হয়েছিল। সন্দেহবাদীরা প্রশ্ন তোলেন, ‘যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের আছে বিশ্বেরসবচেয়ে শক্তিশালী বিমানবাহিনী। কিন্তু তারা কেন এই ছিনতাই হওয়া বিমান থামাতে ব্যর্থ হলেন?’

এ প্রশ্নের উত্তরও আছে তাদের কাছে। সন্দেহবাদীরা বলেন, তত্কালীনভাইস প্রেসিডেন্ট ডিক চেনি সামরিক বাহিনীকে নিশ্চুপ এবং বিমান না থামাতে নির্দেশ দিয়েছিলেন।
প্রশ্ন আছে, ‘মাত্র কয়েকটি ফ্লোরে আগুন ধরার পর এত দ্রুত কেন টুইনটাওয়ার ধসে পড়ল?’

এ প্রশ্নের উত্তরে সন্দেহবাদীরা বলেন, আসলে নিয়ন্ত্রিত উপায়েই টুইন টাওয়ার ধ্বংস করা হয়েছে। কারণ, ভবনে অপেক্ষাকৃত কম সময়ব্যাপী আগুন জ্বলেছিল (বিশ্ব বাণিজ্যকেন্দ্র ১-এ ১০২ মিনিট এবং বিশ্ব বাণিজ্যকেন্দ্র ২-এ ৫৬ মিনিট), অতি দ্রুত সময়ের মধ্যে ভবন ধ্বংস হয়েছে এবং ধ্বংসের কিছু সময় আগে বিস্ফোরণের আওয়াজ পাওয়া গেছে।
সন্দেহবাদীরা প্রশ্ন তোলেন,‘একজন প্রশিক্ষণার্থী চালক কীভাবেএকটি বাণিজ্যিক বিমান পরিচালনা করে পেন্টাগনে হামলা চালালেন?

সন্দেহবাদীরা বলেন, ছোট বিমান ব্যবহার করে পেন্টাগনে হামলা চালানো হয়েছে এবং ওই বিমান আল-কায়েদা নয়, পেন্টাগন নিজেই তা নিয়ন্ত্রণ করেছে।
প্রশ্ন রয়েছে, ‘পেনসিলভানিয়ার সাংকসভিলে ইউএ ৯৩ বিমান বিধ্বস্তের স্থান কেন এত ছোট এবং সেখানেবিধ্বস্ত বিমানটির ধ্বংসাবশেষ কেন দেখা যায়নি?’

সন্দেহবাদী তাত্ত্বিকেরা বলেন, ইউএ ৯৩ বিমানটি ক্ষেপণাস্ত্র দিয়ে ভূপাতিত করা হয়েছিল। এতে মধ্য আকাশেই বিমানটি খণ্ড-বিখণ্ড হয়ে যায়। ফলে বিমানের ধ্বংসাবশেষ বৃহত্ এলাকায় ছড়িয়ে যায়।
ষড়যন্ত্র তাত্ত্বিকেরা প্রশ্ন তোলেন, ‘স্টিলের তৈরি অন্য কোনো আকাশচুম্বী ভবন আগুনের কারণে ধ্বংস হয়না। কিন্তু বিশ্ব বাণিজ্যকেন্দ্র-৭ বিমান হামলায় আক্রান্ত না হয়েও কেন এত দ্রুত ভেঙে পড়ল?’

এ ঘরানার মানুষেরা বলেন,বিস্ফোরক ও অগ্নিসংযোগের মাধ্যমে নিয়ন্ত্রিত উপায়ে বিশ্ব বাণিজ্যকেন্দ্র-৭ ধ্বংস করা হয়েছে।

ষড়যন্ত্র তাত্ত্বিকদের এসব সন্দেহমূলক প্রশ্নের জবাব আছে পেন্টাগনের কাছে। কিন্তু এবিশ্বে এমন অনেকেই আছেন, যাঁরা পেন্টাগনের কথায় খুব কমই আস্থা রাখেন। অবশ্য পেন্টাগনও যে মিথ্যা কথা বলে, তার নজির প্রায়ই মেলে।—বিবিসি অবলম্বনে।

সূত্রঃ  *প্রতিদিনের তাজা খবর [fαcєвook vєяsίoN]*


Inside Scoop: Shot Down Black-Op Seals Won’t Be Talking Now

Every single SEAL Team 6 member who was involved in the ‘assassination’ of Usama bin Laden, is dead. They were killed when the Boeing Chinook helicopter in which they were flying crashed in Afghanistan & among the 31 American military personnel who were killed. The official story is that the Taliban shot down the chopper. But they were assassinated by the govt. !!

by Julius Sequerra

31 American military personnel were killed when the Boeing Chinook helicopter in which they were flying crashed in Afghanistan.

Of the thirty-one killed, twenty were members of SEAL Team 6.


More importantly, I’ve been reliably informed (by a retired Colonel, US Army intel) that these very same operatives were the men who allegedly killed Usama bin Laden recently in Abbottabad.  [NB: Seal Team 6 is an ultra-elite group of “black” operatives who exist outside military protocol, engage in operations that are at the highest level of classification, and often outside the bounds of international law.]

The official story is that the Taliban shot down the chopper. I have my doubts (as do many others far more savvy than yours truly).

[Remember Pat Tillman, the Pro Football star who forsook a megabuck contract and volunteered to go fight in Afghanistan in the heat of the post-9/11 patriotic frenzy? The official story is that Tillman was killed in a friendly-fire incident. According to reports from several US military personnel (a few of whom I know), Pat Tillman was assassinated by his own government. Reportedly, Tillman, the quintessential poster-boy for military recruitment, was waking up to the 9/11 lie, and was beginning to get a little too loose-lipped for his own good. Word traveled up the chain fast. Three bullets to the head fired at close range killed him. Friendly-fire indeed.]

“We are never deceived; we deceive ourselves.” – Goethe

Usama’s “recent death” brings to mind photos that made international headlines during the Iraq invasion.

Remember that iconic image of cheering Iraqis helping bring down the statue of Saddam? A Marine I know told me he had a friend who was actually there, on the ground, in that town square. Evidently, there were no more than 50 Iraqis in that “cheering crowd” — and virtually all of them were paid to participate in the photo shoot. [Did you happen to notice there was only one tightly cropped shot from just one camera angle? The rest of the square was virtually empty, save for US military personnel and equipment.]

Then there was that other classic shot, of a bearded and bedraggled Saddam crawling out of a hole with his hands pathetically held up in the air in a gesture of utter defeat. Remember that one?

Again, rigged. I’m personally acquainted with a former Marine who knows one of the guys who actually helped stage that sordid affair.

Truth is, Saddam was finally cornered in the home of one of his friends, and he fought valiantly to the last bullet. He was eventually nabbed, mussed up further (he apparently didn’t look great to begin), physically forced into the hole, and dirt thrown on him for good measure to ensure a Hollywood-grade image. That photo’s singular intent was to demoralize the Iraqi populace by showing their leader cowering in abject defeat.

Usama bin Laden’s REAL Death

It is generally known by military insiders (and others who look to alternative sources for their news) that Usama bin Laden died of natural causes in 2001. He had just returned to Pakistan from Dubai following medical treatment at the American Hospital.

As early as March, 2000, Asia Week expressed concern for bin Laden’s health, describing a serious medical problem that could put his life in danger because of “a kidney infection that is propagating itself to the liver and requires specialized treatment.”

Having taken off from Quetta in Pakistan, bin Laden arrived in Dubai and was transferred to the American Hospital. He was accompanied by his personal physician and a ‘faithful lieutenant’ (possibly al-Zawahiri). Usama was admitted to the well-respected urology department run by Dr. Terry Callaway, an American gallstone and infertility specialist.

Bin Laden was checked into one of the hospital’s VIP suites. While there, he received visits from many members of his family as well as prominent Saudis and Emiratis. During the hospital stay, the local CIA agent, known to many in Dubai, was seen taking the main elevator of the hospital to bin Laden’s floor.

A few days later, the CIA man bragged to a few friends about having visited bin Laden. Reliable sources report that on July 15th, the day after bin Laden returned to Quetta, the CIA agent was recalled to headquarters.  [NB: Contacts between the CIA and bin Laden began in 1979 when, as a representative of his family’s business, he began recruiting volunteers for the Afghan resistance against the Soviet Red Army.]

The LAST ‘Death’ of bin Laden

What the world has been told about the recent “Death of Usama bin Laden” is pitiful and laughably absurd (especially the parts about no forensic tests having been performed, and the body quickly dumped into the sea. That last doctored photo was the clincher).

Truth is, bin Laden’s bin dead a long time.

The charade in Abbottabad was one massive a psyop to provide soothing peace of mind for the American public subject to full-throttle media propaganda, while continuing, unabatedly, one of the greatest, deadliest, and most expensive hoaxes of all time: 9/11 and “The War on Terror.”


Now they are legend

And now, every single SEAL Team 6 member who was involved in the ‘assassination’ psyop is dead.

Incidentally, I had to smile when I saw one particularly amusing headline re Usama’s latest death, in the US publication Business Insider: “Meet The ‘Seal Team 6’, The Bad-Asses Who Killed Osama Bin Laden”

Well, all those hapless ‘bad asses’ are now dead.

And dead men don’t talk.


ECHELON: The Global Eavesdropping Scheme Dwarfs Murdoch’s “News of the World”

by Sherwood Ross

As eavesdroppers go, next to Uncle Sam and John Bull, Rupert Murdoch, the moral force behind Fox News, is an amateur.

That’s because a global eavesdropping scheme being run today by the United States and Great Britain dwarfs anything that Rupert Murdoch’s editors at The News of The World (TNTW) ever dared attempt.


British Prime Minister David Cameron may well deny he knew TNTW was tapping the phones of members of UK’s Royal household or those of American 9/11 victims. But he can’t claim he doesn’t know his country is a partner in ECHELON, which, according to Washington journalist Bill Blum, is a “network of massive, highly automated interception stations” that is eavesdropping on the entire world.

“Like a mammoth vacuum cleaner in the sky, the National Security Agency (NSA) sucks it all up: home phone, office phone, cellular phone, email, fax, telex…satellite transmissions, fiber-optic communications traffic, microwave links, voice, text images (that are) captured by satellites continuously orbiting the earth and then processed by high-powered computers,” Blum writes in his book “Rogue State” (Common Courage Press).


Calling it the greatest invasion of privacy ever, Blum says the ceaseless, illegal spy system sucks up perhaps billions of messages daily, including those of prime ministers, the Secretary-General of the UN, the pope, embassies, Amnesty International, Christian Aid, and transnational corporations and that “if God has a phone, it’s being monitored.”

Blum also said that during the countdown to its invasion of Iraq in 2003, the U.S. listened in on the conversations of UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, the UN weapons inspectors in Iraq, “and all the members of the UN Security Council…when they were deliberating about what action to take in Iraq.”


Rupert Murdoch

Launched in the 1970s to spy on Soviet satellite communications, the NSA and its junior partners in Canada, Britain, Australia, and New Zealand operate ECHELON, which is a network of massive, highly automated interception stations covering the globe at the expense of American taxpayers.

Today, Ed Miliband, leader of the Labour opposition, is blasting PM Cameron on grounds that, according to The New York Times of July 19, “the recent scandals in British life were caused by a lack of accountability among those in high places.” Across Britain, Miliband said, “there is a yearning for a more decent, responsible, principled country.”

What makes the British public recoil is the sort of conduct by former TNTW reporter Clive Goodman, who pleaded guilty in Jan., 2007, to hacking the voice mails of aides to the royal family.

Pardon me, but how does that crime begin to compare with ECHELON, an organ of the U.S. Government, spying on the Secretary-General of the United Nations or the Pope? Or stealing, as it has, confidential business information and passing it along to favored firms?


ECHELON intercept station at Menwith Hill, England

I’ll say this for Mr. Murdoch: he’s closed down his biggest newspaper; he’s fired top editors and reporters for their part in the scandals. He’s gone before the public and begged forgiveness. By contrast, what have high U.S. officials done about the crimes committed via ECHELON? Zip, and they have no announced plans to do so. They continue to operate ECHELON unashamedly.

Rupert Murdoch’s TNTW was only attempting to do in a small way what the governments of the U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are doing big time every day. ECHELON is a criminal operation in violation of international law and terminating it might make America, too, “a more decent, responsible, principled country.” #

Sherwood Ross is a Miami-based public relations consultant who operates the Anti-War News Service. To contribute to his service or comment reach him at sherwoodross10@gmail.com

Source :



11 Questions of 9/11 Which Still Demand Answers

Allen L. Roland | Veterans Today

Something massively evil happened on September 11, 2001 and it was not only seen in the billowing smoke from the trade center towers but also in the resultant 9/11 official cover up. Two months prior to its tenth anniversary ~

Here are eleven 9/11 questions which have yet to be adequately answered along with the still  unanswered question of Dick Cheney’s role in the most treasonous act in American history

As you look at this unusual photo (top-left) of the smoke shrouded twin towers on 9/11/01, you can almost see the face of Satan looking down on his handiwork. For evil was indeed at work on that infamous eleventh day of September, 2001 but the face was not Satan but it was most certainly the face of evil.

Dick Cheney, Vice President of the United States.

Richard Cheney

To me, it would most likely be the face of Vice president Richard Cheney ~ the one person who was in full control of events that day; the one person was fully aware of its consequences for his neo conservative aims for world domination; the one person who was not questioned under oath (along with President George W. Bush) by the 9/11 commission; the one person whose shadow government had the most to gain by this tragedy; the one person who had the power to by pass the CIA with a direct line of cooked misinformation (from the Office of Special Plans) in order to falsely implicate Saddam Hussein with Al Qaeda and thus 9/11; the one person who was ruthless and powerful enough to have later outed CIA agent Valerie Plame (and sacrificed his own chief of staff Libby in the process) after her husband Ambassador Joe Wilson exposed Cheney’s uranium yellowcake lies and finally Cheney was certainly the one person who was determined enough to implement if not condone a false flag operation of this magnitude (most likely with the cooperation of Israel’s Mossad) and most certainly the one person with enough guile and cunning to rationalize his treasonous actions under the cloak of patriotism and then openly endorse renditions and torture to obtain forced confessions for his unconstitutional and treasonous actions against the nation.

Yet for all of his influence, the world knows very little about Dick Cheney, who is now at home completing his memoirs.  It’s well known that the most powerful vice president in U.S. history has also been the most secretive and guarded of all public officials. “Am I the evil genius in the corner that nobody ever sees come out of his hole?” Cheney asked rhetorically in 2004 and then answered “It’s a nice way to operate, actually.”

And that is precisely how Cheney has operated to accomplish his dark Neo Con vision and when a full, thorough and independent investigation of 9/11 is eventually accomplished ~ the spider at the center of this web of treason, deception and lies will be Darth Vader himself ~ Dick Cheney.

James Petras offers the correct verdict on Cheney’s vision ~  “As for the neo-conservative pipe dreams of successful sequential wars, cooked up by the likes of Paul Wolfowitz, Feith, Abrams, Libby et al, to eliminate Israel’s adversaries and turn the Persian Gulf into a Hebrew lake, the prolonged wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan has, in fact, strengthened Iran’s regional influence, turned the entire Pakistani people against the US and strengthened mass movements against US clients throughout the Middle East.”

Meanwhile, the worldwide 9/11 truth movement slowly rolls on and one of its most effective spokespersons has been Paul Warburton. Here is an excerpt from Warburton’s letter to the BBC written on July 7th, 2011 ~ “You can see how widely my correspondence is now spreading and how favorably it is welcomed in the 9/11 Truth movement. On board on the 9/11 Truth movement are some of the finest minds in the world and some of the most moral people in the world. (Doctors, Pilots, Scientists, Architects, Engineers, First Responders, some victims family members, some lawyers, some high ranking military staff, even some ex intelligence staff and thousands of gutsy activists (our true heroes, many unknown and who work very hard, who go onto the streets around the world every week to spread the truth – all of them committed to the pursuit of truth over the most pivotal event of the 21st Century – 9/11). Pursuing this goal puts some of them in physical danger. We have already lost some dear people in suspicious circumstances. The two notable exceptions to the 9/11Truth movement are the mainstream church and media in both the UK and the USA. The two great societal bodies that people look to for truth. Their silence on such a major issue of injustice has been deafening. I suggest it has little to do with a lack of intelligence. It has a lot to do with courage or the lack of it.”

Warburton than makes his point ~ Crystallizing this down to a few basic principles of criminal and investigative journalism you at the BBC have failed as a fact to ask these basic questions about 9/11;

1. Where is the film footage of the Boeing striking the Pentagon?

2. Why haven’t your journalists asked the US authorities to see it? Why is it secret?

3. Why haven’t you interviewed people like April Gallop who stepped through that Pentagon hole after the attack and said there was no plane there?

4. Why haven’t you interviewed firefighters who heard explosions in the Twin Towers?

5. Why havent you been able to show substantial wreckage (or photos of) from the Shanksville site?

6. Why do you only interview explosives experts that back the official version?

7. Why don’t you speak to any pilots from pilots for 9/11truth ?

8. Why don’t you speak to victim’s family members who still demand an independent investigation?

9. Why are 5 of the alleged hijackers alive and well according to your own news reporting ? Who then did hijack the planes?

10. Why aren’t you seeking written scientific evidence to rebut the compelling Thermite explosion claims of the teams of Richard Gage and Niels Harrit?

11. Why are your programs “conspiracy files” on 9/11 so overtly biased as to not withstand scrutiny as fair and objective and why don’t they address any of the above issues?

Warburton ends with this statement ~ “Each above fact is suggestive in itself but taken as a cumulative the argument is overwhelming and would pass the criminal standard of proof beyond reasonable doubt ~ in that the Official 9/11 report is radically wrong.”

So now, after ten years, millions of people throughout the world are still asking questions and not getting answers about the validity of the official report ~ which is not only radically wrong but purposely misleading .

But here are some facts to ponder on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 ~

The 9/11 Commission’s co-chairs said that the 9/11 Commissioners knew that military officials misrepresented the facts to the Commission, and the Commission considered recommending criminal charges for such false statements

9/11 Commission co-chair Lee Hamilton said “I don’t believe for a minute we got everything right”, that the Commission was set up to fail, that people should keep asking questions about 9/11, and that the 9/11 debate should continue ”

9/11 Commissioner Timothy Roemer said “We were extremely frustrated with the false statements we were getting”

9/11 Commissioner Max Cleland resigned from the Commission, stating: “It is a national scandal”; “This investigation is now compromised”; and “One of these days we will have to get the full story because the 9-11 issue is so important to America. But this White House wants to cover it up”

9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey said that “There are ample reasons to suspect that there may be some alternative to what we outlined in our version . . . We didn’t have access . . . .” He also said that the investigation depended too heavily on the accounts of Al Qaeda detainees who were physically coerced into talking.

And the Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission (John Farmer) – who led the 9/11 staff’s inquiry – said “At some level of the government, at some point in time…there was an agreement not to tell the truth about what happened“. He also said “I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described …. The tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years…. This is not spin. This is not true.” And he said: “It’s almost a culture of concealment, for lack of a better word. There were interviews made at the FAA’s New York center the night of 9/11 and those tapes were destroyed. The CIA tapes of the interrogations were destroyed. The story of 9/11 itself, to put it mildly, was distorted and was completely different from the way things happened”

If even the 9/11 Commissioners don’t buy the official story, why do you?

Those facts are an excerpt from my 2010 post entitled THE 9/11 COVER UP IS AMERICA’S GREATEST BAMBOOZLE

By the way, be sure to clear a spot on your summer reading list for Dick Cheney’s self serving memoir ~ which will be in stores Aug. 30th of this year ~ It’s title is In My Time, A Personal And Political Memoir. Amazon has already reduced the release price from $35.00 dollars to $21.00 dollars and Cheney probably has no idea of what humiliation and abuse awaits him on his book tour ~ if indeed there is one.

Every abuse of power by the Cheney/Bush administration can be traced to the 9/11 false flag operation and cover up and we, as a nation, will not be free until we fully open this Pandora’s Box and uncover the answers we continue to demand as well as the hidden evidence of America’s greatest bamboozle ~ which we can no longer deny regardless of how painful it may be to acknowledge.

“There was a dearth of visible debris on the relatively unmarked [Pentagon] lawn, where I stood only minutes after the impact. Beyond this strange absence of airliner debris, there was no sign of the kind of damage to the Pentagon structure one would expect from the impact of a large airliner. This visible evidence or lack thereof may also have been apparent to the secretary of defense [Donald Rumsfeld], who in an unfortunate slip of the tongue referred to the aircraft that slammed into the Pentagon as a “missile” … Lt. Col. Karen U. Kwiatkowski, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Former Political-Military Affairs Officer in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Also served on the staff of the Director of the National Security Agency.

I rest my case ~ Let a true investigation of 9/11 begin and let’s demand answers to these and many other long simmering questions.

Source :
